Human Watch - The heartbeat of Real People, Real Estate

Like it or not , we are being watched everyday.

By head hunters, by people in the street, neighbours, marketers, and even by the driver next to you during a traffic light stop. Closer to home, our lives are an open book in the presence of our family members.

When it comes to business, do you truly know what makes your customers tick ?  It could come in the form of an uplifting word, a gift, a kind gesture, consistent updates, or just being present with a listening ear.

Sometimes by watching and observing people, it reminds us that we too are human. And recognising  we are individually different in colour, character and values, discovering and connecting well with our customers is an essential part of any service industry.

So how do you make Human Watch happen ?

Just 3 simple IDK steps :

      1) Identify Watch Areas
Identify your target locations. Prospecting areas and get familiar with the neighbourhood and its surroundings. Don’t forget to visit the neighbourhood kopi tiam, bakery, cobbler or kedai runcit (grocery store) etc.  Observe and observe. Take the courage to create conversations. Jot it down. Take a shot. Video it. 

2)   Determine Potential Time
In my experience, ideal time to make direct connections is in the mornings (9am to 10am) or evenings (5pm to 7pm) where there is an increased opportunity to meet residents taking a stroll or tending in their gardens. They can be your potential owners or buyers. It can be incorporated with your client’s inspection and viewing time schedule.

3) Know your Mechanism
Be equipped with the facts and market sentiments for your target location. The market price, latest transacted figures, upcoming or on-going developments around the area are the few basics. Be ready to provide other options as well, be it primary market properties or other comparable properties. You will never know.  People like to explore different markets for variety and comparison. I do.

Make human watch part of your daily life as you move a step closer to establishing and maintaining good relationships with your customers, friends and family.

So let’s get all your connections and mechanisms ready to make your clients tick today !

Wait..remember to clock in and recharge too .  Have a great week ! 


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