Simple Things In Life

It was a typical school day morning, except that nature decided to pour down showers of rain, which have been quite frequent of late. After the children have gone to school, I settled comfortably on our sofa (which I rarely do) looking out the door, admiring at how interestingly the rain drops drizzle down the mango tree leaves, onto our car and how it makes such beautiful splashes of art onto the cement porch floor. Some trickled down slowly onto the flowers. There was just a light and gentle breeze, enough to bring a refreshing reminder of the awesomeness and faithfulness of God. Sometimes it just takes a few minutes to capture and appreciate the simple things in life. These times can be easily missed and taken for granted in the midst of our own daily pursuits and busyness of life. As December is drawing near, my prayer is that we will continue to reflect and learn from the past, enjoy the present (yes, with the challenges and all, reminder to self too...